Rashid Family Law | Legal Technician
We recognize and appreciate that not all individuals facing divorce and family law issues need, want, and/or can afford to have a lawyer handle all aspects of their divorce on their behalf. One way to limit lawyer involvement (and reduce legal fees) is to limit the things your lawyer is asked to do for you. As skilled, experienced practitioners, we understand that clients can be well-served, even if we limit the scope of our work.
Rather than having your legal practitioner provide the “full bundle” of things that lawyers do, (such as gather information, provide legal advice, negotiate, draft papers, go to court, etc.) you can perform some tasks on your own while asking Rashid Family Law to do the things that you need a lawyer to do for you.
For example, you can gather your own information and even gather information from your spouse and negotiate some of your issues, and then have Rashid Family Law advise you on other issues, negotiate a final resolution and draft the final papers. Here are some other examples of unbundled legal services, (sometimes called Limited Scope Representation):