Rashid Family Law | Legal Technician

Costs And Fees


  • You’ve talked and you both agree on exactly what you want to do with your assets
  • There is no need for mediation
  • You have no children, or your children are older than 18
  • Settlement Agreement is for tax purposes only
  • Never go to court
  • $899, plus court filing fee

Settlement Agreement, Child Support, and Divorce Paperwork

  •  You’ve talked and you both agree on exactly what you want to do your assets, your child support payments, divided expenses, and your payment time
  •  There’s no need for mediation
  • Never go to court
  • $1,499, plus court filing fee

Comprehensive Settlement Agreement and Divorce Paperwork

  • You need neutral advice to settle on an asset/debt division, buyout for real property, or other issues
  •  Settlement Agreement is a Final Order for the court
  • Settlement Agreement my include all child support, Parenting Plan, division of assets, and all othe issues to be settled
  • Never go to court
  • $1,898, plus court filing fee NO CHILDREN*
  • $2,937, plus court filing fee WITH CHILDREN*


Mediation to help you reach an agreement $250 per hour, available

In addition to the above packages, we offer the following services, which can be adapted to your individual situation:

  1. If you both agree and you have already filled out your own divorce forms – Divorce Form Review $250 flat fee for a one-time review, research, and recommendations
  2.  Ifyou want to work out a fair child support based on income that fluctuates, self-employment, or a combination of child support and spousal support – Child Support Calculation with Additional Expenses $250 flat fee (may be combined with other services or stand-alone)
  3. If you want one partner to keep the house, or you want to wait to sell the house to time the market, but you don’t know how that would work – Comprehensive Settlement Agreement $1349 flat fee, and you may add court forms, custom child support and spousal support arrangements to cover fluctuations in income or other circumstances for an additional fee, up to a total of $2,937 for all combined.

*Fee is based on three hours of negotiations